Welcome to The Church of Eden. Here at Eden we are fully devoted to our god. Us as a family, will accept anyone with open arms. No matter what background you come from.

Eden knows all, honesty is needed to be accepted into Eden. The unhonest will not be accepted, you must be devoted to Eden. Eden must know all you know. Eden is one of the best churches around, possibly number one. Our staff is the best of the best, working every second of everyday to make sure our church is in the best condition it can be. Our founder always wished for us to be able to protect kind souls from the dark abyss. For us to do that we must let out the truth. The truth that they've been hiding, the truth they've locked away. The truth. Those of you have hidden the truth are not allowed. Eden strives to create an environment where all can be trusted. All can feel loved. All can feel protected. No matter who you are, Eden will protect you from them and tell you the honest truth.

Music here

We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her.

We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her. We are Eden. We are devoted to her.

Eden's orphanage. Our orphanage has many children who are devoted to Eden, all of our children are happy and cheerful. Our children are always respectful.

We raise these children with great care and send them off to their new homes, if you're ever in need of a child please come to Eden's orphanage. We will happily send one of our many children off with you. All of our children have many talents, no matter how young or how old our children are they're very talented. Each child has been cared for by our staff and our founder. Please treat our children with care and welcome them with open arms so they can feel their best while being at their new home.

The Church of Eden and Eden's orphanage is in an alliance with the Watanabe family and Eton Academy. If you wish to know more about the people we have alliances with please click on them.


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